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Team of 5​


Usability tests reports​

  • Think Aloud

  • Cognitive Walkthrough (CW)

  • Single Ease Question (SEQ)

  • System Usability Scale (SUS)

Interactive prototypes




Aug - Nov 2021

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Project Overview

Who Is Eat For Health

Australian Dietary Guidelines

Advice about the amount and kinds of foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing.

Main Purpose

​Our primary purpose of this project is to update an existing healthy diet webpage that allows users to learn nutrition knowledge and track their eating diary.


  • How can users understand and record their daily food intake?

  • The original e-textbook has much information, scattered knowledge and no focus.

Design Process & Method

Implement - Design - Evaluate - Analyse

4 User Goals Implementation

Function 1

Function 2

Function 3

Function 4

Concrete tasks

14 paper - workflows


SUS & SEQ & Think-aloud & Cognitive Walkthrough

Final Design



Our target user is in the pre-contemplation stage and are unfamiliar with the idea of a food diary and tracking daily consumption.

To understand our target user's goals, we interviewed seven people and found they want to set goals for daily intake, learn nutrition knowledge, and keep track of their progress. 

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User Goals & Concrete Tasks

We made concrete tasks for each user's goal. They were used in the later usability tests and reminded us of the user goals during design.  

We followed the rules of easy to understand, do not lead, relevant, good coverage, the right level of difficulty, and respectful

  • The user can track their e-textbook progress.

1.1: Please tell me which learning topics you have read and still need to read.

  • The user can log the number of serves of vegetables they ate in a day.

2.1:Suppose you always log your vegetable intake in the evening, just before going to bed. Suppose that today you recall that you ate three servings of vegetables. Log that.

  • The user can correct accidental logging actions.

3.1:Suppose that, on reflection, you realise that you have overestimated the vegetables you ate for dinner. So, for today, you now think you ate only two servings. Correct the logged record for today.

  • The logger can check the information about serving sizes.

​4.1: Suppose you now remember about two cups of lettuce you ate at lunch, but you cannot recall how many serves that would make. Find out how many serves 2 cups of lettuce is. Then log this.


Visual Direct







H1 36pt

H2 16pt

H3 12pt

Paragraph  12pt

Paper Prototype

Our group first brainstormed the interactive methods of the four functions and selected the most suitable interface; it merged into a complete App.

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High-Fidelity Interactive Prototype

Then, we made a high-fidelity interactive prototype, which can help us get more accurate testing results. 

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Evaluate and Analyse

Keep users front and centre to receive helpful feedback.

The deeper we visit in usability testing, the more confidence we have in the final design.

Compact ​Cognitive Walkthrough

Before testing with real users, we did a CW to find problems ourselves. We followed the tasks we set before and asked:

1. As the user, would I know what to do at this step?
2. If I do the right thing, as the user, do I know I have made progress toward my goal?”

We discovered problems from tasks 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 could correspond to Nielsen’s “ recognize rather than recall”, “visibility of system status”, and “flexibility and efficiency of use”, respectively.

These issues are reasonably related to our persona, as a person unfamiliar with the idea of a food diary and tracking daily consumption might struggle to start with the interface.​

Think Aloud

Think Aloud exposes many problems that only appear when users use the Real App. These are the problems they would not consider if designers asked them.

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Users Performance


Success only​ with help


Qualitative Observations From Think Aloud

Although the performance data showed that all users finished all tasks successfully, we found some problems through observation while participants did the think-aloud. 


Task 2.1

  • The plus sign to add the serving sign is not easily identifiable.

Future Solutions

  • Redesign the functionality of log intake.


Task 3.1

  • ​The position of the record progress button is not prominent enough.

Future Solutions

  • Add some visual effects to the progress button to make it more obvious.


Task 4.1

  • P3 and P7  had trouble understanding the meaning of serve size from the reading material. 

Future Solutions

  • Explain the "serve size" by giving some examples.

Single Ease Question (SEQ)

​To find which part of the design is not easy to use, we conducted SEQ tests after each task. We asked them to rate the difficulty level of all concrete tasks, which found the confusing functions and problems of the prototype.

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1:Very difficult  5:Very easy



  • Two participants think it is a little bit difficult to finish when logging daily intake.   

Future Solutions

  • Redesign the process of log intake.

  • Redesign the user's flow chart for log intake.

System Usability Scale (SUS)

SUS is an excellent way to collect data to measure usability & learnability.

By asking users to rate the different aspects of the App to ensure the App's usability.

SUS can discriminate between exemplary and bad interfaces at small sample sizes (<10).

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1:Strongly Disagree  5:Strongly agree








  • After users finished the SUS tests, we calculated the total score for each participant.​

   Overall, 68 is "average." 

  • However, our polarizing SUS result shows that only 3/7 of users are content with the app's overall design (above 68).​



  • Not attractive

  • Not easy to use

  • Hard to earn how to use

Future Solutions

  • Redesign the UI, make the design more vital and younger

  • Simplify some necessary functionalities’ design

 Final Design

​For the final design, I solved all problems found in the usability tests.

  • Redesign the UI, make the design more vital and younger

  • Simplify some necessary functionalities’ design

  • Add welcome pages to announce benefits to attract users.

  • Add some visual effects to the progress button to make it more obvious.

  • Redesign the functionality of log intake.

  • ​Add a label to the button which communicates the button’s intent.

  • Increase the visibility of the system status by displaying a dialogue.

  • Add a serve size calculator to assist the user.

  • Explain the "serve size" by giving some examples.

  • Redesign the process of log intake.

  • Add an option to find a vegetable’s detail directly.

  • Add two options to find a vegetable’s detail directly.​

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